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Location #1

Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Location #2

Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Location #3

Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Location #4

Tuesday - Thursday 8 am to 3 pm
Closed Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Along with commercial printing, bindery/finishing expertise, and timely shipping and delivery, we also provide many other printing products and services to help you convey a clear and memorable message to your audience:

Since 1994, we’ve been the leading printer in Auburn, Montgomery, Tuskegee and now, our newest location in Wetumpka!

As a full-service printer, McQuick Printing Company handles everything for you, from strategy and design to four-color printing, digital printing, mailing and other printing services.

Our commitment to the printing industry warrants constant upgrades to our equipment in the effort to provide the best quality product. The team goal of our organization is to always provide the highest quality in the most timely manner, and at the best possible value to our customers. Keeping current with rapidly changing technology is the key to maintaining a competitive edge. At McQuick Printing Company, we believe that if you merge technology with skilled craftsmen, you position yourself to be an industry leader.

A Risk Most Marketers Won’t Take: 4 Words that Double Success Rates

Nobody likes being told what to do. This principle dates back to a very early age. Tell a two-year-old toddler to go to timeout and they very kindly break your eardrums as they shout their favorite word “no!” Ask a kid to eat their peas and they slyly spread them around on the plate—encouraged by your lack of knowledge of mathematics—hoping you won’t notice the sum of peas hasn’t actually changed at all. Tell a teenager to clean their room and they silently curse you (while, of course, telling you no).

This leads us to a very important marketing principle. Reminding people that they have the freedom to say no makes them much more likely to be persuaded to say yes. Confused? Don’t worry, we were too at first.

This technique, known as “BYAF” (But You Are Free) is quite simple: after making a request, simply add (in so many words) “but you are free to choose.” Note, the exact language doesn’t matter, so long as the message is incorporated somehow.

So for instance, companies that employ this tactic have reported that allowing their sales people to say, “you’re free to come back later if you’re not ready to buy now,” they actually sell more.

In one study conducted at Western Illinois University, BYAF doubled the success rate in a data set of 42 studies involving 22,000 participants. It’s a risk most marketers aren’t willing to take, but in the long run shows higher success rates of sales.

It should be common sense. People don’t like being forced into anything (timeouts, eating peas, or cleaning), however, since this seems to be counterintuitive to a salesperson, it’s a technique that gathers dust.

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